Cross Training Day 18-11-2016

sabato 19 Novembre 2016 - Blog


3 rounds of (TEAM OF 2):

  • 20 Med Ball Sit-Ups
  • 20 Med Ball Thrown
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots


EMOM for as long as possible of:

  • 7 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @24/16 Kg. (1.5/1 pood)
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Sit-Ups

Minimum Work requirement is 10 rounds. If you are unable to complete 10 rounds, rest as needed and continue till 10 rounds are completed.


4 rounds of:

  • 1′ Sit-Ups
  • 1′ Reverse Sit-Ups
  • 1′ Plank

IMG 20161118 192955


1 Commento

  1. Coach 15 rounds @2 pood
    Raffa 20 rounds Rx'd
    Ettore 10 rounds Rx'd
    Ivano 10 rounds Rx'd
    Giorgio 8 rounds Rx'd
    Tore 4 rounds Rx'd
    Andrea 10 rounds @1 pood
    Gigi 4 rounds @0.75 pood

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